What definition a drugs?
- Drug is an illegal substance such as marijuana or cocaine, which some people take in order to feel happy, relaxed, or excited
- a medicine, or a substance for making medicines
- a substance that people doing a sport sometimes take illegally to improve their performance
- The term drug is derived from the fourteenth-century French word drogue, meaning a dry substance-most pharmaceuticals at that time were prepared from dried (Palfai and Jankiewciz 1991). Thus some feel it approriate to refer to chemical or substance abuse. Imprecision in the use of the term drug has had serious social consequences.
- the term drug will refer to subtances having mood-altering, psychotropic effects. This definition includes caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, as well as illegal chemicals such as marijuana and heroin.
(Howard Abadinsky (2004). "Drugs An Introduction". Fifth Edition Wadsworth, a Division of Thomson Learning.
Drug is any chemical substance that alters mood, perception or consciousness and is misused, to the apparent detriment, of society. Drug because our society is itself dependent on it, and as Prohibition seems to have shown, its enforced absence is more damaging than its legal presence.
(Peter Laurie-Drug (1974). "Medical, Psychological, and Social Facts". Reprinted with Revisions.
Drugs are substances that cause changes in body function. Drugs come in a wide variety of forms and have an even wider variety of uses. Drugs are found in nature, in our foods, and in chemical compositions made by man. Many drugs are consumed without any perceptible effects while others take a devastating toll, especially when abused.
(W. Wayne Worick & Warren E. Schaller (1977). "Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs". Englewood Cliff, New Jersey Prentice-Hall.
Drugs have been in existence for a long period of human history and the medical use of drugs has always been, and will continue to be, actively encouraged by the goverments of the world.
(Tai Foong Leong (1981)."Curbing Drug Abuse".Singapore : Federal Publications.
For yourself,what you understand is "drug"
what type of drug is at present
Drug is a chemical that can be reckless and corrupt system of the human body if taken excessively.
Various types of drugs at the time such as this Depresen (Methaqualone, Traquliser, Rohypnol), Opiat (opium, morphine, heroin, Kodein), Halusinogen (Halluceno-Genic Mushrome, Lysergic Acid Dietthylamide (LSD), Diymethyltryptamine (DMT), Phenlyclidine (PCP) , Ketamine, Inhalant, Cannabis, Psikotrapik (ATS).
Can you describe an example of function that you specify the material...
for example what the function of opiat or halusinogen..
Opiat materials medical function is sleepy or relieve pain that has a high potential. Halusinogen function is natural and drug or detergent residue, changing the visual sight difficult to distinguish the truth or not.
Function specify the material in general, many drugs that provide functionality that is negative in the medical material, medicines tranquilizer to convert central nervous system, drugs could act to stimulate the brain and physical. however not defined as an inhalant drug, but many similarities with the drug in terms of its impact.
good article
This article is my attention. In my opinion a very dangerous drug when it is mistaken to use. Excessive intake of drugs can damage the body system of a person. However, the use of drugs in the medical sector is very important.
In the opinion of all my friends, among the types of drugs are identified, drugs which became a favorite of teenagers in the time now?
azizi A127463
drugs that became a favorite time of youth is now heroin, morphine, opium, cannabis, amphetamines, Barbiturat, MX Pills and various other drugs.
drugs is enemy of number 1 in our country, right??
yes, the answer is correct cik rosmaida.
sharel, the drug is indeed the main enemy of the human capital among youth in quality. This is because teenagers who damaged can not govern the country in the future.
Correct sharel, I agree the drug is enemy number one country for those who get stuck taking drugs very difficult restored.
How cannabis exist?
What is included in the cannabis group?
Cannabis is the general term used for all forms of drugs derived from cannabis plant genera. Trees are planted to obtain drugs. It is also found growing wild in warm climates in Africa, Mexico, Asia and Middle East.
Cannabis can be divided into 3 groups of Herbal Cannabis / Cannabis, Resin / Rubber Cannabis (Hash Ish-Charas), Oil Harhish.
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